Monday, December 20, 2010

If I knew then what I know now!!!

So........I was on-line earlier today checking out some quotes.  There are so many great ones.  The quotes that resonated most with me today are about things it has taken me to age 50 to figure out.  I wish for my daughters that they can learn from my mistakes and realize this stuff NOW!!!!!!!  It will save them a lot of pain in the future!  Here are a few of the quotes:  "Don't settle for a relationship that won't let you be yourself!" - unknown,  "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - unknown.  Here's one more:  "Everything will be okay in the end.  If its not okay, its not the end."

I want to know.....why do so many women lose themselves in a relationship?  I'm guilty of it mostly in my current relationship.  I'm realizing now......a little late.......that our entire six or so years together have mostly been based on what HE likes and doesn't like, wants to do or doesn't want to do, movies he wants to watch or doesn't want to watch, etc.  It's like I woke up one day and said "What happened to ME?  Where did I go?  What about what I want to do?  What I want to watch?  What music I want to listen to, etc.  It's like I was Sleeping Beauty and had been asleep for years!!.  Well, I didn't receive a kiss from a prince to wake me up, but thank goodness I DID wake up!!!  It's almost scary to realize how out of touch with ME I could have gotten.  

Oh, gotta go for a bit........more later!

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